Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mo is a Bully!!!

I am hijacking Mo's blog to tell you that he is a bully. A bitey, scratchy bully. Today, I was sitting next to Mom and talking to her and he came up behind me and BIT ME ON MY HINEY!!! Out of the blue. I did nothing to him, just talking to Mom.

He does that to me and Tus all the time. He chases Tus until she is screaming mad and has to hide. If he is cranky and irritated, he totally takes it out on us. Tus has a chance because she is about the same size but I am a lot smaller that his huge self and I have a bad leg and I think he picks on me because of it.

If Aunt Vanessa becomes my forever mom, I swear I am gonna have my Uncle Gus beat Mo up. Uncle Gus is HUGE!!! Like elephant huge and way bigger than Mo. Uncle Gus is kinda cranky too so he will be more than able to take on Mo.

I just thought you should know he is not always nice.

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