Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Ugh...I nommed too much...

Mommy leaves every day in search of food and is always gone ALL DAY and very seldom comes home with food. It can't be that hard. If you find food in a place one day, go back there the next. There is probably food there for more than one day. I just don't understand why she doesn't get this concept.

Well, she brought home food last night and gave us all wet stinky wonderful foods. And I nommed and nommed and nommed. I think I nommed too much.Whatever, I slept really well. And so did the girl and the runt. And Mommy but she didn't eat the wet yummy stuff, she has the nasty pink medicine so that her spider bites wouldn't itch.

She complained that we shouldn't get wet yummies because we hadn't killed the spiders like we are supposed to and they bit her a lot. But there are just too many of them and, let's face it, I am lazy except when I want to play.

What. Ever.

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